Thursday 25 December 2008

Hello for the second time

Hye guys.. Urm... This is my second time doing a blog.. Before this ade la wat blog, but lost mcm tu je.. And I was actually kinda shy to share my feelings, but recently I found out that by sharing our emotions and feelings, we actually get more mature.. Anybody agree! Raise hands please.. huhu..

Urm.. for now, Christmas Eve dtg lg.. Boring.. Baru je dinner ngan family.. A typical Christmas Eve ever.. Gosh.. Ingatkan nak hangout dgan friends kat Bukit Bintang.. But now cancel, so tgok bintang kat langit je la.. Huhu..

Seriously, this semester break is killing me! Boring sgt.. Just duk rumah, dgar lagu2 Kpop, my favourite... Of course la Nobody from Wondergirls!! So catchy la dat song..

Then ada la bkk buku Bahasa Korea sket2.. Baru je kene sound coz asyik membebel bhase korea sorg2 kat uma.. Aboy(my big bro) cam xpuas ati je.. Bia arhh... Hoho..

Sok Christmas.. Banyak keje woo.. Nak wish kat friends.. Lagi nak pack brg2 coz sunday nak register kolej blek.. Huhu.. Ak da wat list da nk bwk pe gi puncak.. huhu.. jap ek..

List brg2..

Oat (huhu.. nak diet!!)
Ramen byk2!
Buku eco n far
Kasut 7 pasang
Beg Adidas baru

Huhu.. Yg atas ni bru 25% je.. yg terfikir.. sory ek sme hsemte ku.. rumah tu akan pnoh la nnt.. huhu.. Ni kan utk mse dpan bsame (skandal nye ayat ak!! eeuu)

1 comment:

farah said...

weyh ko gilew ke bwk microwave???
amboi ko....