Saturday 30 May 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

At first, I was struggling in convincing myself to watch this movie. Some of my friends said it's a very good movie, 7 out of 10, sort of.. And after watching it, I could say that this movie makes me a lot more stronger..

I'd finally reimbursed my mind with a lot of new things, like do not be too overwhelmed in looking for love.. Love comes naturally, so by seeking for love wouldn't actually yield us any benefits in return. Nonetheless, we keep going on and on looking for something that I can say, do not reach it's maturity period yet. Yeah. Why would I think of a person who is completely clueless what is lingering in my mind? Geez.

My favourite quote :

If a guy is treating you like he doesn't give a shit, he genuinely doesn't give a shit... No exceptions..

So, rather than wasting our energy soul thinking of that person, who in return think none of ourselves, we better be relaxed and let the love comes by, through the flow. There's no need to rush. *signing off*

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